October 9, 2015 Review: Why Such Heavy Duty Clips on the Tie Out Cables?
Recent Review on the Double Dog Run System...
and our answers.
Overall Happy. Hate the Clips.
Submitted: 10/9/2015
Overall happy. Hate the clips

I took off a star because the clips that come with it, to attach to the dog collar, are incredibly hard to use. They are massive, which is good, but have a different design that I've never seen before. One hand has to hold the C shape part of the clip, with another hand *pull* out a hard piece and with a 3rd hand (!) insert the ring of the collar.
I've never had a dog undo or come out of a regular clip or dog leash clip, so I don;t know why this design is needed.
What I did was attach a regular carabiner to the ones that come, and now it's very easy to use. For the price, they should include regular carabiners or clips for normal hands.
Double Dog Run Response:
Fist of all- thank you for sending us a review on our tie out system for two dogs! Now, about the clips- we have had this comment before and we are aware that many have trouble with the clips. Our Large and XL dog tie outs have "cattle clasps" as the clips for the collar and to the tie out stake.
The reason for such a heavy duty clip on the tie out cable is because we tested these items with the strongest dogs out there such as Mastiffs, Pit Bulls, Great Danes, St. Bernards, Rottweilers, Great Pyrenees and many more.
I will tap into the secret vault of our product testing to help you to understand why we chose the cattle clasp for our large dog tie out systems.......
There is a reasons why we use the Heavy Duty Tie Out Cables and Cattle Clasps for our Large Dog Tie Outs
During testing we had a set of large dogs, playing on the system. They were a rambunctious set and were constantly bulldozing one another. As one was rocking back and forth on her back while kicking the other off- her shimmy she was doing unsnapped the standard clip we had on her collar. We took it as a fluke and the chances of that happening regularly would be rare. However, we had two more customers tell us that their dogs did the same thing- just scratching their back in the grass with that famous shimmy that all dogs do.
Solution: As the creators of the strongest tie out system for not just one, but two dogs, we had to make a choice to ensure the security of all the dogs that enjoy the tangle free tie out systems we provide. Are the clasps a pain in the butt at first? Yes.... but after a few weeks of practice, they are a "snap"! As owners of two large dogs, we use the same clasps every day ourselves.

1) So people can choose a different length leash than our standard 20 foot tie out cable. and Now - thanks to our customer above- 2) So another type of clasp can be chosen.
We sincerely do thank and encourage anyone and everyone to tell us the good and the bad on our products. It gives us a chance to answer you all and humbly admit our faults with the hopes that you will all understand our endurance and the lengths we have gone to ensure the complete security of your dogs while on the Double Dog Run System.
Thank you all!!
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